Lots of movement is going on here!
Friday, December 12, 2014
Thursday, December 11, 2014
Thursday, December 4, 2014
Saturday, August 23, 2014
Where is Vaidas?/Kur dingo Vaidas? [ Trials Fusion concept art ]
Hi everyone,
it would be a good idea to explain a bit about my absence at recent
time. So, here is a short story.
few years I was fortunate to be part of very big projects and work
with well known companies. Starting with Hollywood movies and
finishing with my current workplace, Ubisoft. This time I will focus more about the latter.
the past, i tried cinema and special effects, animation, advertising,
print, web as a creative domains. One more was left. Game creation.
Being as impulsive as i am, the answer was yes! Why not! That's how I
ended up in Helsinki, Finland. Im not even hiding the fact that I like
sauna, winter and cold. All these thing were here when I arrived to
started in Ubisoft on 2013 January. As many of you may very know, this company is well known for their high quality computer
games. One game sits in a special place on a shelf of the greatest.
Its Trials series.
Many are very impressed by quality and creativity, which can be seen in everything RedLynx makes.
Trials is a physics based game. You control your bike by leaning your rider with
control triggers and trying to make as less mistakes as possible in shortest time.
Sounds simple, isn't it? Don't be so sure, it might just be a very
first impression. Countless amount of levels which vary from easy to
almost nerve braking hard, puzzles and hidden secrets. Game provides
an opportunity to create your own worlds and levels. Everything in
3D. Trials got noticed very early because of its physics being
polished nearly to a perfection and explosion of creative playground
game offers to a player. Soon enough social community started to form
and its growing rapidly up until this day.
I spent
almost two last years in RedLynx. Challenging, new, exciting. Thats
how i could describe my start. I gathered all my experience to
deliver the best I can. As a result, we shipped our latest title
Trials FUSION. I guess it will be interesting for you all to see how
does creation of a game looks like from concept artist and
illustrator stand point of view.
būtų visai neblogai pasiaiškinti visiems jums kur buvau pradingęs
visą šį laiką? Taigi, pabandysiu viską sklandžiai ir išsamiai
pastaruosius metus turėjau neįtikėtiną galimybę dirbti su labai
dideliais projektais ir kompanijomis. Pradedant darbu su Holivudo
filmais, baigiant dabartiniu darbu Ubisoft kompanijoje. Manau šia
proga apie pastarają šiek tiek ir išsiplėsiu.
tai buvau išbandęs kiną, animaciją, video reklamą bei spaudos reklamą,
internetinę erdvę kaip kūrybinius plotus. Tačiau dar buvo likę
išbandyti keletas nepačiupinėtų sričių. Viena iš jų yra
kompiuterinių žaidimų kūrimas. Būdamas pakankamai impulsyvaus
būdo, pamaniau, kodėl gi ne! Taip atsiradau čia, Helsinkyje,
Suomije. Neslėpsiu, mėgstu sauną, žiemą ir šaltį. Manau visi
gali patvirtinti, jog šiai šaliai visi išvardinti požymai labai
du tūkstančiai tryliktųjų pradžios dirbu Ubisoft kompanijoje.
Kaip daugelis žinote, ši kompanija kuria didelius ir visiems
žaidėjams gerai pažystamus kompiuterinius žaidimus. Tarp visų jų
vienas žaidimas turi išskirtinę vietą geriausiųjų lentynoje.
Tai Trials žaidimų serija, kuri yra Suomijoje įsikūrusios RedLynx kompanijos vizitinė
RedLynx įsigijo žaidimų platintojas Ubisoft. Manau juos sužavėjo
tiek žaidimų kokybė, tiek neaprėpiamas kūrybiškumas, kuris
trykšta viskame, ką kuria RedLynx. Trials žaidimas paremtas
fizika, kur jūs kontroliuojate motociklą ir stengiatės kuo mažiau
suklysti įveikiant įvairaus sudėtingumo trasas su daugybe kliūčių.
Skamba labai paprastai, bet patikėkit, tai tik pirmas įspūdis.
Žaidimas jums siūlo plataus spektro sudėtingumo lygius, begale
galvosūkių bei įrankių pačiam kurti pasaulius ir dalintis jais
su kitais žaidėjais. Viskas vyksta 3D aplinkoje. Žaidimas
greit išpopuliarėjo dėl savo fizikos variklio nepriekaištingos
kokybės bei kūrybiškos erdvės į kurią gali pasinerti žaidėjas.
Taip susikūrė gan nemaža žaidėjų socialinė erdvė. Vyksta
pasauliniai čempionatai ir pan. Taigi, tiek trumpai apie kompaniją.
su šio žaidimo kūrėjais praleidau pastaruosius du metus. Buvo
įdomu startuoti ten kur dar neišbandyta, nauja. Iškart susidūriau
su daug iššūkių, reikėjo nemažai išmokti ir pasitelkti visą
savo sukaupta patirtį. Todėl ir pamaniau, kad ne vienam bus įdomu
pamatyti kaip gi atrodo šiandieninis kompiuterinių žaidimų
kūrimas konceptualaus dizaino kūrėjo bei iliustratoriaus akimis.
Trials Fusion official website/Oficiali žaidimo svetainė: TRIALS FUSION
RedLynx official website/RedLynx tinklapis: RedLynx
Trials Fusion Gameplay Trailer
Concept art
These are environments created to help establish the look of Trials Fusion world. Multiple techniques been used to make process efficient and fast. One of them is painting over existing early stage 3D scenes.
Šios aplinkos sukurtos su tikslu padėti išgryninti įdėjas apie tai, kaip atrodys kuriamas pasaulis. Pasitelkiau plačiai naudojama technika kai tapoma ant jau egzistuojančių eskizinių 3D modelių. Tai pagreitina procesą ir tiklsas pasiekiamas daug lengviau.
Creation of characters is always a challenge. First character shown down below appeared on game box cover as a main rider.
Personažų kūrimas yra visada smagus iššūkis. Pirmasis personažas apačioje pakliuvo ant įpakavimo ir reklaminių stendų kaip pagrindinis žaidimo herojus.
Additional objects like crazy rider helmets was very fun to do.
Buvo labai smagu kurti papildomus objektus tokius kaip šie šalmai.
Miscellaneous assets/Įvairūs objektai
Tons of assets were created. These are just very few to show the look and constructive visual information which was delivered to 3D artists.
Šimtai objektų sukuriami žaidimui. Šie pavyzdžiai parodo bendrą įdėją kaip buvo pateikiama konstruktyvi informacija 3D kūrėjams.
Bike body upgrades/Motociklo korpuso papildomos dalys
This was very brief introduction in my latest project. Of course I am involved in many more interesting projects at the same time, and I will make sure to share with you when there is a chance.
In addition to that I want to let you know about my idea to bring to Lithuania an interesting lectures about design and concept art in games. Most likely it will be two presentations in Vilnius Art Academy and one public lecture. In addition to that I don't want to forget my hometown Panevėžys. So most likely one or two lectures will be arranged there as well. Everyone will be welcome. Times and schedules will be posted in advance, so you will be informed.
Till very soon!
Taigi, tiek trumpai apie mano pastaruosius metus ir ką nuveikiau. Beabejo, dirbu ne prie vieno įdomaus projeko ir ateityje planuoju būtinai su jumis pasidalinti ir papasakoti kaip sekėsi.
Dar noriu
paminėti jog turiu įdėjų ir planų pristatyti vizualią medžiagą
ir pasakojimą paskaitos formate Lietuvoje rudenį. Greičiausiai tai
bus du pristatymai Dailės Akademijoje ir viešojoje erdvėje
Vilniuje, kur visi norintys galės dalyvauti, klausti ir diskutuoti.
Taip pat nenoriu pamiršti ir savo gimtojo miesto Panevėžio.
Planuoju suorganizuoti susitikimą su dailės mokyklos moksleiviais
ir visais besidominčiais. Visa tai greičiausiai įvyks šį vėlyvą
rudenį. Būtinai pranešiu naujienas ir renginių vietas bei laiką.
Iki labai greito!
Friday, May 23, 2014
Thursday, May 8, 2014
Tuesday, May 6, 2014
Beauty Of Irrational
Beautiful documentary about running and joy of doing it just for the sake of it. Getting rid of rationalizing and purely diving into doing it. Inspiring film.
The Beauty of the Irrational from The African Attachment on Vimeo.
Thursday, April 24, 2014
Tuesday, April 8, 2014
Samurai Portrait
Quick digital sketching and drawing session creating portrait of Samurai man. Also this time I'm sharing a process. Down below you will find step by step images.
Final artwork
Very quick digital sketch. Wacom tablet, MangaStudio.
Filling with tone. Adobe Photoshop.
Final coloring and details.
Friday, April 4, 2014
Innocent, In A Way
Very delicate short documentary about seeing nudity in a different way.
Innocent, in a way. from alexis wanneroy on Vimeo.
Wednesday, April 2, 2014
Sketchbook Is a Source
This time I took some portraits from my sketchbook as a source for developing them a bit further. Sketches were made during my daily trips to work in a tram. I used even more stylization and tried to bring more character to the portraits. While at the same time my aim was to keep it as simple as possible and avoid little unnecessary details.
Monday, March 31, 2014
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
Lion Dreams About Electric Breasts
This time a little bit different take on Tram nr.9 sketching. Sketch is done on the way back home late after work and I had some ideas how to take it a bit further as you can see :) It is quite fun to sketch people and imagine them being like strange creatures or animals.
Self Expression: Staff Riding
I stumbled upon this very interesting short documentary film about guys doing as they call Staff Riding. They describe it as a self expression activity. It kinda got me thinking about how different people push boundaries and searches for new ways of doing something they enjoy. However strange, dangerous or some people might even think stupid it seems, I think It is pretty interesting and in a way I kinda understand these guys. The reason why they do it, but not how they execute it. It looks really least safe thing to get into. I hope all these guys doing alright. Anyhow, take a minute to look at this little movie. Pretty interesting stuff.
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
Cakes And Birthdays!
Recently I was drawing some cakes for my colleagues and friends. They usually appeared in Facebook walls as a little greetings for the day. So I thought I will share them with you here in one page.
Saturday, March 22, 2014
Custom Painted Frames
Recently I was making custom painted frames. It's very simple and fun activity. Basically all you need is to go to a local second hand store, buy bunch of cheap frames, paint them (in my case i used acrylics), and to spice things up I also used big grain sand paper to make natural looking scratches. Simple and easy, takes no time and energy! Try it out.
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